NAKED Review & Interview

review and interview with Jerry Waxler

Jerry Waxler directs the Memory Writers Network and is in Allentown, Pennsylvania.  I was thrilled he enjoyed Naked (See his five star review).  He wrote an essay about my story titled "A Memoir About Not Falling Apart."  

He wrote:  

"Memoir readers are willing to give up gut-wrenching, larger-than-life suspense in exchange for psychologically-driven events that provide insights into the human condition.. Occasionally, though, real-life setbacks smash into authors’ lives with the degree of intensity usually found in fiction. Julie Freed’s memoir Naked: Stripped by a Man and by Hurricane Katrina recounts just such an extreme situation."

NAKED is also a "great "teaching memoir" to highlight the complex interaction between the outer story (catastrophe) and the inner story (horror, resilience, triumph)."

 Jerry later invited me for an interview (Click here), which I thoroughly enjoyed!

Thank you Jerry Waxler and all the supportive readers whose notes, words, and reviews only encourage me to write more!

Love, Me

Reading memoirs at night often helps me drift off to sleep. This was not the case with NAKED.
— Jerry Waxler